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Fail your way to success- Jack ma

"If you don't give up, you still have a chance. giving up is the greatest failure in life", is the quote of the richest man in China, founder of "Alibaba", Jack ma.

Jack ma was a poor, Chinese kid, in a family where they had $12 per month income. Jack ma, in his struggling childhood life got to know that to break the poverty, one must educate oneself. So he started his education in nearby Chinese schools.

During that time, learning English wasn't very common among Chinese people. but Jack interest in learning english was deep, that he took foreigners to tourist spots in their locality, speaking to them in English language, being as a free tour guide just to make his English right.

Then a moment came up to him, when internet was booming in.
Jack ma was just searching for beer in the internet, but he didn't find any search results in china. so that moment made him to realize there is no e-commerce site in china, this led him to create one of the most successful e-commerce website in world.

Though this was how his succcesful journey began and now his net worth is around $33.7 billion, he had suffered more to start to lay his hand on such a huge amount.

His failure story is as famous as his success story is, Jack shares it openly in front of everyone and in every interview he goes. Because that's what keeps everyone inspired and motivated in pursuing their dream and getting fired up and moving on to do the required tasks to bring dreams to reality. 

 the following is the list of Jack ma's failure list
1. He failed two times in his 4th grade,
2. He failed three times in his 8th grade,
3. He applied for police, and rejected,
4.He tried to apply to universities for 3 years and rejected,
5.Applied for jobs 30 times and rejected.
6. Applied for Harvard and rejected 10 times.
7.KFC rejected him among 24 people, 23 were selected and he was the one who rejected..

so among all these failures he stood among them, ignored the naysayers, and worked hard and smart to make his vision into reality. so Jack ma always says "never give up".


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