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From homeless to billionaire-John Paul Dejoria

"success is how well you do what you do, when nobody else is looking at you", is a quote of a billionaire, philanthropist, who have lived a homeless life once and has even rejected many times from many jobs.He is John Paul Dejoria. He is the founder of JohnPaul-Mitchell line of hair products and Patron's Tequila. though this all seems really nice to say, but the hardships he faced were no ordinary one. Those hardships and rejections made him even more stronger to be where he is now.

John was born to an Italian immigrant father and Greek immigrant mother on April 13, 1944 in Los Angeles, California. His parents divorced when he was two years old, and by the time he was 9 he was selling Christmas cards to support his family.

As a teenager with no parental guidance, John fell in into the wrong crowd, joined a local gang, and struggled to pass his classes as a student.One day, in 11th grade, John along with his friends were caught in the class goofing and passing notes. The teacher made him to stand in front of the whole class and humilated them saying,"See those two?. Don't hang around with them, they are no amount to anything.They'll absolutely never make it into any business".

J.P didn't realize that at that moment, but when years passed he started to understand and he would have said to himself, "I'm am not worth of anything", but he said to himself, "go hell with this guy, I'm gonna prove him wrong".

John developed his success habits in his first jobs itself. He says, "successful people, whether, they work for someone else or they work for themselves, they always do the best of their ability".He learned that in everything you do, always do your best.

He didn't get his dream job at the first or second attempt, but he did some jobs like sweeping, selling which weren't even his concern ut he delivered it as good as he can. he learned from every job which unleashed him  o open a billion dollar store in the future.

Despite his insane work ethic, he became homeless as a young adult. " when I was homeless for the first time, it was in my early 20's. My wife just couldn't handle being a mother anymore, so she left our two and half year old son in my arms and took of with all the money we had.I soon learned that she hadn't paid the rent for last three months, so with no money and being three months past due on rent, we were evicted. I was in between jobs, so my son and I were on the streets with no money coming in and attempting to live in an old car I owned at that time. I remember saying to my son,' were going to make it together'."When you are broke, and you can't pay the bills,those are some of the difficult times as a man
and as a father. But What I have learned is that when you are really down and you are at the very bottom, all you can do is to look up".

He possessed an immense desire to start his own company, and he started it even though he was rock bottom at his life.The first two years of the company were very struggling, but after that the company started progressing. The skills John learned from his first jobs helped to grow  his company leap and bounds.

J.P is a proof that he started with nothing and grown to become on to become one of the wealthiest people in the world. He has a net worth of around $3.4 billions. 

Dejoria often advises to young entrepreneurs to develop positive habits, believe in their gut instincts, and take risks.

some of his famous quotes are:



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