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Showing posts from 2018

adventurous life of Richard Branson

"You don't learn to walk by following the rules.You learn by doing and falling over ".This is one of the famous quote of an English businessman,author,investor and philanthropist Richard Branson, who is the founder of virgin group which controls more than 400 companies. Richard Branson is an amazing man when it comes to business, investing and so on but on one hand as he is a successful man, on the other hand he enjoys his life. He thrives for adventures.His whole life has been an adventurous one. Here are some examples Atlantic balloon crossing Richard Branson along with his friend Per lindstarand became the first team to cross the Atlantic in a hot-air balloon.  Virgin Atlantic challenger as a part of the crew trying to break the world record for the fastest Atlantic crossing Branson built the the virgin Atlantic challenger II. It took them two attempts to set the record, at first the ship sank in between and they were rescued by the crew

Rags to riches:Tony Robbins

"People who succeed at the highest level are not lucky; they are doing something differently than everyone else", is a famous quote of Tony Robbins, who is an American entrepreneur, author, philanthropist and life coach. He is best known for his books, and his amazing  life changing seminars. Tony Robbins life story really inspires us to pursue our dreams, and to follow our passion. Tony Robbins was born in North Hollywood, California. Robbins started his carrier as a motivational speaker. In an interview he has revealed that he was being physically abused by his mother.Tony really suffered a lot during his childhood and his early ages.Tony really doesn't wanted to live his life like this, so he was determined that he would take the responsibility of his life and he would turn it upside down. In an interview he had said that the book,"Think and grow rich", had a huge impact in his life, then he met some people who were motivational speakers and from then h

limitless life from Nick Vujicic

This article is surely sustains the name of this blog because in this article we are gonna be unwrapping the life of the man who lives limitless and yet inspires millions people around him and all over the world too. He is none other than Nick Vujicic.      Nicholas James Vujicic is an Australian motivational speaker who was born with  tetra- amalia syndrome. A rare disorder characterized by the absence of arms and legs.  Nick was born in Melbourne, Australia.When he was born his mom refused to take him because he was  born with that disorder,but then his parents decided that "whatever happens ,happens for the best",and we can't live with this mindset for the whole life andour son deserves a better life than he is born with.    Then with this disorder as Nick was growing up, he faced many problems, sometimes he would think really bad about himself, he would think that he would not have born like this, but then as he realized that the "only limitations we

Top 6 best inspiring quotes form the book "think and grow rich".

Think and grow rich is one of the all time best book for personal development and a must read book in order to accumulate riches in your life. Every billionaire and millionaire suggest this book to read. If you really wanna change your world, to live a happier life, to accumulate more money ,then this book is a must read book for you.I guarantee you that this book will never disappoint you at all,rather it inspires you to go after your dreams and achieve it. Here are 6 best quotes that I have drawn that will surely gonna inspire you. 1. If the thing you wish to do is right and you believe in it, then go ahead and do it.   2.Every failure brings with it, the seed of an equivalent success. 3. Practical dreamers do not quit. 4.No one is ever defeated until defeat is accepted as a reality. 5.No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be BELIEF  not some mere hope or wish. 6. Desire backed by faith knows no such word as imp

First amazing lesson that I learnt from the book " The magic of thinking BIG"

There are many amazing books are there which help us to build our self, and help us to move forward in tough times,and which can even change our life and one such book is "The magic of thinking BIG". surely there is magic in thinking big and I wanna share first amazing lesson that I learnt from that book is as follows:                                                 1. BELIEVE you can succeed and you will.     first thing you got to learn to become successful in life is that you got to BELIEVE in yourself.   You got to believe that you are gonna be  successful. Not many people believe they are gonna move mountains and so they don't." Belief in success " is the one basic absolutely essential ingredient of successful people.